Eight-Week Live-Online Course: Effortless Mindfulness (February 11 – April 1, 2025)
In this course, you will learn the revolutionary approach to mindfulness practice developed by American meditation teacher Loch Kelly, based on neuroscience, psychotherapy, and wisdom traditions. Effortless Mindfulness draws from the Tibetan Buddhist Sutra-Mahamudra tradition and its non-dual mindfulness approach, yet is uniquely designed for a secular setting and applicable to everyday life. The course will teach you various micro-meditations in a playful and experiential way, giving you direct access to a timeless form of awareness.
Effortless mindfulness does not mean that there is no initial effort. We learn how to make the initial effort to shift out of our small mind and discover an effortless awareness that is already here. It is also called “effortless” because effortless mindfulness is spontaneously maintained.
Effortless Mindfulness involves as much unlearning as learning to reveal our natural well-being. The goal of effortless mindfulness is not to escape but to live a fully intimate human life. The immediate goal of effortless mindfulness is to shift into the new, upgraded operating system that is embodied and open-hearted and has a greater capacity to be with our full human experience.
In the traditional approach of deliberate mindfulness, we intentionally cultivate an attitude of loving kindness, quiet our small thinking mind, and then observe our thoughts and feelings. With effortless mindfulness, we shift from our small thinking mind to the source of mind, which is always already calm, focused, connected, and compassionate. This natural awareness doesn’t need to be created, it just needs to be revealed.

In this training, you’ll:
- Learn the common obstacles that many mindfulness practitioners face (and how to overcome them so you can experience a richer, more rewarding practice).
- Get a comprehensive overview of Effortless Mindfulness (including the map, method, and markers that help you move beyond the limitations of conventional mindfulness schools)
- Discover and immerse yourself in the part of you that is already and always free of stress, worry, and fear
- Discover an approach to meditation and awakening that doesn’t take time
- Develop inner tools to easily access an awake, loving, flow consciousness so you can stay clear and focused at work, in your relationships, and at play.
Guided Audio Practices
Course Details
Course Dates:
Tuesdays, February 11 – April 1, 2025
5-7pm CET | 11am-1pm ET | 8-10am PT
Course Setting:
Online via Zoom
- Session 1 – Effortless Mindfulness: The Next Stage of Mindfulness
- Session 2 – The Five Layers of Mind: Introduction to Effortless Mindfulness
- Session 3 – Subtle Mind: Insights into the Nature of Thoughts, Energy, Emotions and Inner Parts
- Session 4 – Awake Awarene Mind: Realizing the Ever-Present Freedom of Effortless Awareness
- Session 5 – Unity Mind: Returning Home to the Source of Fundamental Security and Well-Being
- Session 6 – Heart-Mind: Living from an Awake, Loving Flow
- Session 7 – Integration: Tools for a Life Full of Meaning, Compassion and Purpose
- Session 8 – How to Stay Awake

Suggested Reading:
The Way of Effortless Mindfulness: A Revolutionary Guide for Living an Awakened Life. Loch Kelly. Sounds True, 2019. [Publisher]
Course Fee:
€390/ €440/€490 | $400/$450/$500 (sliding scale)
Online Information Session:
Tuesday, February 4, 5-6 pm CET | 11am-12pm ET | 8-9am PT (registration required)
Dennis encountered Loch Kelly and his teaching style by chance when he was invited to be his German interpreter for a weekend workshop on Effortless Mindfulness in Berlin in 2019 (see picture below). This weekend left Dennis with an unprecedented and profound sense of relaxation as well as an informal authorization to teach. He has been following the development of Loch’s teaching ever since, and is currently participating in the new Effortless Mindfulness Training Circle, which will culminate in facilitator certification.

About Effortless Mindfulness
✔️ Designed for the modern human
Loch Kelly’s unique methodology synthesizes ancient wisdom practices, neuroscience, and contemporary psychology. This distinct combination is designed to help you get the most out of mindfulness in this modern world (even if you’re busy, struggle with focus, or wear many hats in your life).
✔️ An effortless path to greater peace, clarity and calm
With Effortless Mindfulness, the focus is not on developing the skill of mental stability or concentration (which is the defining feature of many mainstream mindfulness systems). Rather, you’re shifting OUT of an unstable stage of adult development into a calm, clear and knowing awareness that can become the foundation from which you live more skillfully.
✔️ A system for greater resilience
This practice style essentially helps you unplug the computer and hit refresh on your inner system. Doing this consistently actually helps your system function more effectively for the long term, leading to strong resilience to face life’s joys and challenges with enduring balance.
✔️ Address the root issues
This practice style is about familiarizing yourself with a new stage of human development. You are updating the whole operating system, so the patterns that consistently play out in that operating system start to shift or dissolve. If you have a hard time going deeper with your meditation practice, we think you’ll love this feature of Effortless Mindfulness.
✔️ Stop trying so hard
The invitation is to stop “focusing more,” and tap into an effortless awareness. Students of Effortless Mindfulness are enjoying a deep meditation practice, as well as higher levels of compassion, calm, and clarity more often (without as much effort).