PSV Workshop Series

Workshop Series: Contemplative Practices & Non-Ordinary States (Psychedlic Society Vienna, 16.05., 30.05., 13.06. & 27.06.2024)

Mag. Dennis Johnson in cooperation with Psychedelic Society Vienna

This workshop series will introduce you to a wide range of contemplative practices that can help you to prepare, navigate, and integrate experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness and that are also conducive to reducing suffering and increasing well-being.

Taken from contemporary trainings in mindfulness, self-compassion and positive psychology as well as non-dual awareness, these practices will show you how to open to the full range of your experience with a greater sense of acceptance, how to be kinder to yourself in those inevitable moments of suffering, how to increasingly notice and take in the good in life, as well as how to shift consciousness from your busy, chattering mind into an already awake awareness that is spacious and interconnected.

The practices will be introduced experientially through guided exercises, a participatory group inquiry process and brief theoretical inputs in a trauma-sensitive, nervous-system-informed manner and in a secular setting independent of worldviews or beliefs. Although the themes of the workshops are interconnected, each one can also be attended independently.  

The evenings will be held in English unless everyone understands German.

16.05.: Mindfulness
30.05.: Self-Compassion
13.06.: Positive Neuroplasticity
27.06.: Non-Dual Awareness

RAUM Hollandstraße 7/4, 1020 Vienna
Thursdays, 18:30-21:00 (doors open at 18:00)

Workshop fee: €20-€30 (for PSV members €10-€20)
Become a member:

Registration is required and closes 24h before the event.
Please send your full name, email and telephone number to

About: Mag. Dennis Johnson is a certified teacher of mindfulness, self-compassion, positive neuroplasticity and non-dual awareness as well as a university lecturer in a master’s program in mindfulness. He holds a degree in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies and has extensively explored non-ordinary states of consciousness through meditation retreats, plant medicines and holotropic breathwork. Dennis also works in a sociotherapeutic context with people with mental health challenges for Windhorse Integral Mental Health Vienna.