The Sūtra of the Strength of the Elephant: Hastikakṣyasūtra

The Sūtra of the Strength of the Elephant: Hastikakṣyasūtra
84000, Translating the Words of the Buddha

Summary: This sūtra contains a Dharma discourse on the profound insight into the emptiness of all phenomena, also known as the perfection of wisdom. The Buddha delivers this discourse to the venerable Śāriputra and Youthful Mañjuśrī, as well as to a group of monks, in the presence of a large assembly of laypeople, monks and bodhisattvas on Gṛdhrakūṭa Mountain. This discourse is directed at hearers and outcast bodhisattvas who have not realized the perfection of wisdom and thus remain attached to conceptual attributes. This sūtra therefore emphasizes the illusory nature and nonproduction of all phenomena. The Buddha thus explains that the perfection of wisdom is like space, in which there is nothing to be adopted and nothing to be discarded. Yet, he points out how this profound insight enables bodhisattvas to carry out their compassionate activities with skillful means and the full range of benefits for those who have faith in this discourse.